Welcome to John Reed Elementary School!
John Reed School is committed to providing high-quality education to our diverse student body. We achieve our goals through a challenging curriculum, quality teachers, and an atmosphere that emphasizes communication and cooperation. John Reed is a safe and engaging learning environment in which all students can excel.

Leap into the Future
At John Reed there is an expectation that students will develop as a whole child with an environment that is dedicated to supporting students as they become global citizens - aware of their impact on the world. Our staff is committed to equity, differentiated instruction for all learners, having high behavioral expectations, while also being a hub of resources for our community. John Reed is committed to making a difference as we "Leap into the Future!"
John Reed is currently a Transitional Kindergarten through fifth grade elementary school. We offer a strong Response to Intervention (RTI) program, English Language Development (ELD) program, we have a full time school psychologist, and have counseling services to best meet the needs of our students. We have a strong, historical, community school where students, parents and staff are proud to be here.
Contact Us
School District:
Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified School District
CDS Code:
390 Arlen Drive.
Rohnert Park, CA 94928