John Reed PTA

John Reed PTA


Every child. One voice.

The John Reed Parent Teacher Association (John Reed PTA) is committed to increasing parental involvement and support for our John Reed School students, faculty and staff. We work to create a wonderful, fun and amazing learning environment. Research indicates that parent support helps to provide the best learning environment possible. Students are more likely to be academically successful when their parent or parents are involved at their school. And we want your students to be the best that they can be!

How can YOU get involved with the John Reed PTA?
  • Join the John Reed PTA, Annual Dues are only $6.00
  • Attend monthly John Reed PTA meetings and events.
  • Represent your child's classroom at the PTA meetings, suggest programs that you feel would be beneficial for the students at John Reed School
  • Volunteer at school and during PTA events

Stay informed! Subscribe to the John Reed PTA Google Group to receive updates, notices and forms through email!