John Reed participates in the federally funded free and reduced lunch program. If you think your family may qualify for this program, please complete an application and return it to the school office. New applications must be filed each year by October 1st.

As part of the health movement in our state, John Reed School joins the State Department of Education in stressing the need for healthy kids. Please see that your child comes to school with a
good, nutritional snack. We discourage sending sweet treats with your child for snack and encourage to send "brain food"...fruit, cheese, vegetables, and complex grains. It is important that
you and your child communicate about lunches and snacks so that your child does not waste food and is able to have a good nutritious snack to help sustain concentration during the school day.
If your child is throwing food away or bringing snacks home at the end of the day, perhaps you should consider changing the foods you send.
It is the parents' responsibility to make sure that children come to school properly nourished and ready to learn. Children may bring their lunches from home or buy them at school. The
district provides a nutritional hot lunch program.